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Bluetooth Hearing Aids are Giving New Options to the Hearing Impaired

Dr. Shannon Parker Au.D.

Many people have heard that most smart phones have Bluetooth capability, but did you know hearing aids have Bluetooth capability too? That’s right. I have at least one person a week ask about Bluetooth Hearing Aids. I would like to touch on a few of my favorite features about Bluetooth Hearing Aids that have opened many options that were once unattainable for hearing impaired people.

  • Telephone use often was a challenge for people with hearing loss, but direct streaming helps provide a clear conversation. The first thing I like to discuss with my patients is Bluetooth Connectivity to your mobile phone. This allows for direct streaming of the caller’s voice to both ears simultaneously. This significantly reduces background noise, but still allows you to hear what’s going on in your environment right around you. Once the hearing aids have been paired to your phone and you receive a call, you answer as you normally would and then you hear the caller’s voice to both ears (without having to put the phone to your head). There are even landline phones which can be paired to your hearing aids for use at home or in the work setting.

  • Your mobile phone can act as a “remote control” for your hearing aid. After the hearing aid is paired to your phone, you can increase or decrease the volume of each ear independently. There is even an easy to use app that will allow you to “fine tune” and save changes in your hearing aids which puts you in the driver’s seat. That’s right - no additional remote control to charge (or lose), although those are available for people who don’t use a smart phone.

  • Your Bluetooth Hearing Aid can act as a "remote control" to your television. Another exciting Bluetooth feature is you can stream your hearing aids to your television with the addition of a small Bluetooth box which is plugged into the back of your TV. The patient is then able to adjust their volume in the hearing aids independently from anyone else in the room. This has significantly cut down on “volume wars” within the household.

  • The newest innovation in Bluetooth Hearing Aids is Remote Care Programming! If you are unable to make it into the Audiologist for a follow-up, doctors can adjust your hearing aid via Wi-Fi, Bluetooth programming device, and your smart phone! Be sure to look for information on this topic in my next blog.

For more information about Bluetooth Hearing Aids, contact Compass Hearing Center or join us at our FREE Lunch and Learn on November 21, 2019 at Seller’s Steakhouse in Denver City from 11am-1pm. (Please RSVP by calling 806-592-7030).

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