We are excited to announce that Compass Hearing Center is doing our part to help protect ourselves and our patients from the spread of the coronavirus. Dr. Shannon Parker, Au.D. received the first booster of the Moderna Covid-19 vaccine on December 29th, 2020 along with many other healthcare workers in Texas. She returned to the HEB Pharmacy located in Lubbock, Texas on February 3rd to receive the 2nd round of the booster vaccine. Our current Covid-19 Policy will still be in affect - we will be wearing masks and sanitizing between visits. Please wait in your car upon arrival and call to let us know you have arrived.
Another exciting thing happened to us on December 29th. Abigail Ayala, our Receptionist, gave birth to a beautiful baby boy named Aleczander! We are blessed to watch our Compass Hearing family grow. Abby and baby did great and were at home on maternity leave for the first of the year. During her leave, Gema was able to return to help Dr. Parker with the front desk in order to be available for all your hearing needs. Abigail was also able to get her Covid-19 vaccine in order to return to work safely. Please Contact Us at Compass Hearing Center to schedule an appointment or for more information about our Covid-19 Policy.