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What to Expect at Compass Hearing Center’s Spring Lunch & Learn

Compass Hearing Center

compass hearing center spring lunch and learn

Come have lunch and listen to a presentation on how your ears and brain work together so you can “hear”.

compass hearing center spring lunch and learn

Hearing loss is more than just “hearing with your ears.” It actually has a lot to do with how a sound (or the lack thereof) can affect your brain’s processing and speech understanding, thinking, and memory. Dr. Shannon Parker will give a presentation on how the ears and the brain work together to process sound and ways to make listening easier. How would your life be different if you:

  • Had 30% better speech understanding

  • Had reduced listening effort by 20%

  • Could actually remember 20% more of your conversations

If this interests you, please bring a friend and join us for an informative session with lunch provided after, where Dr. Parker will entertain any questions you may have. The event will be Thursday, March 28, 2019 from 11:00-1:00 at Sellers Steakhouse in Denver City, Texas. A limited number of appointments for a baseline hearing test are available before and after the presentation to assess your hearing ability.

Call now to reserve your spot 806-592-7030.

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